Wire and cable detector bump | bump wire tester | Wire tester surface bump | bump wire and cable testing instruments | Japan bump detector | detector Dongguan bump | bump detector distributor in China | TAKANO bump detector | TAKANO China | Japan TAKANO agent | Japan TAKANO bump detector distributor in China | Japan TAKANO bump detector using high-precision infrared optical projection technology, the surface defect detection in the tubular products has been widely used, such as optical fiber, ceramics, electronic wire, communications, electricity cables, metal pipes, glass, plastic tubes, pipes, water tubes, etc., may be required to detect changes in the surface of the product. Especially in the widely used wire and cable industry, improve production efficiency and quality of essential weapon. It has many new advantages: Reliability and stability testing Installation flexibility Light solid machine Easy to understand Insensitive to external light Alarm output Simple maintenance Theoretical service life of up to no limit Figures show the number of defects detected (if equipped)
Off-line speed: 1.5 km per minute, the following
Uninterrupted, non-contact test
From the measured wire color, texture, vibration affect test accuracy
With alarm sound and alarm output (alarm output can be controlled through the production line to stop running)
Can be measured: convex, concave shrink, spot, broken, spliced, highlighting the wire or fiber surface defects.
Model LY-0503D LY-1003D LY-2003D LY-2503D LY-3503D LY-5503D Detect the direction of 333 333 Double-slit detection method, near infrared non-contact continuous measurement Range 0.002-0.999mm Applicable wire 0.05-5mm 0.05-5mm 0.1-20mm 0.1-25mm 0.2-35mm 0.2-55mm Detection accuracy of ± 1% of set value Slit length 8mm 12mm 25mm 35mm 38mm 60mm Slit width 0.5mm Line speed 5M/Min-1500M/Min Alarm red LED light output, normally open contact closure alarm Alarm time 0.1S Operating temperature -5 ℃ - +55 ℃ Power DC ± 15V Power consumption 10W 10W 15W 20W 25W 35W Dimensions W150 * H142 * D40 W150 * H142 * D40 W150 * H140 * D40 W300 * H246 * D40 W300 * H246 * D40 W383 * H338 * D75 Weight 0.8Kg 0.8Kg 2.0Kg 4.0Kg 4.0Kg 5.0Kg
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